Friday, January 4, 2013

How To Become A Pharmacy Technician In New York

To become a pharmacy technician in New York, it is not mandatory to gain a certification or any license. There are many states that do require certification and proof of training along with or without state licenses but New York State Office of Professions regulate the licensed pharmacists in the state who can have an assistant without any such legal or educational requirements. However, it is always desirable to undergo some form of training and certification to become a pharmacy technician in New York as that would enhance the chances of getting a better job. Furthermore, a certification would offer better growth prospects and also if someone moves to another state, there may be a stringent requirement of recognized certification.

Studying To Become A Pharmacy Technician In New York
There are three ways one can approach studying to become a pharmacy technician in New York. One can study on his or her own using any educational material, enroll in any of the pharmacy technician training programs offered by numerous schools and several private institutes or study by referring to the books that are recommended by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board. Every year the PTCB publishes a bibliography which is recommend for training and based on which the certification exams are set.

Training To Become A Pharmacy Technician In New York
If one so chooses, enrolling in training schools can be a good move to become a pharmacy technician in New York. Although it wouldn’t affect getting a job in New York, it would offer leverage at better jobs and also if one moves to another state. The American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists has a list of schools that are recognized. Choosing one of these schools would be better.

Certification To Become A Pharmacy Technician In New York
There are two major certifications that can be chosen from. The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board and the Institute for the Certification of Pharmacy Technician both offer equally recognized and coveted certification exams. There is a fee to sit for these exams and passing either of them successfully enables one to become a certified pharmacy technician in New York who can also work in any other state of the country.

Anyone can become a pharmacy technician in New York since there are no minimum degree requirements and basic skills in customer service, organizational ability and computing are sufficient enough. If you are looking to become a pharmacy technician in New York, visit

1 comment:

  1. In most cases it is the pharmacist who determines the pay check of a technician. During their first years of employment, the average pharmacy technician salary ranges from $25,000 to $35,000 per year. Click here
